Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Women are the "softer" creatures?

All my life I've heard that women are more polite, cleaner, quieter, etc than men. Well, let me tell you what, that's a CROCK! 

You always see (at least on TV and in the movies) that men's restrooms, and/or locker rooms, are these nasty, smelly places that you never want to venture into. Well men, let me tell you what - you've got nothing on women!

My husband and I are members of a local gym, and since I've been going I've noticed that women can be quite nasty! I mean, how hard is it to pick your towel up off the floor? How about taking your nasty used razor out of the shower and throwing it in the garbage can that is RIGHT across from the shower? 

Or, and this one I really don't understand, but why do women put their hair on the shower walls? What's wrong with letting it go down the drain? Do you have any idea how disgusting it is to turn around and see a strangers hair right in front of your face? 

Okay, now that I'm totally grossed out and feel like I need another shower, I'll stop. But women, take note because it's not really that hard to clean up your stuff! 

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