Thursday, May 8, 2014

Faces, faces, everywhere!

I think, because I'm a photographer, I see things others don't. Perhaps it's an order in chaos thing, maybe it's just part I the human brain that looks for the familiar in the unfamiliar. Whatever the case, it happens to me.

For example, lately I've noticed that I see "faces" everywhere in completely random objects. We'll be driving down the street, and I'll notice a car that looks like the back end is a face, or this:

Most of us know what this is. It's the symbol for Microsoft Outlook. I've been looking at it for years, and never thought anything of it. But just the other day, I noticed that it resembled a smiling face. Do you see it? The "O" is an eye, the clock is the nose, and the flap on the envelope is the smile. A totally abstract image, but now that I've seen it, I can't unsee it. 

Am I crazy? How about here? Do you see a face? 

Again, I can't unsee it now. Maybe I'm having a "Beautiful Mind" moment? Anyway you look at it, my mind works differently than some, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. 

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