Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hump Daaay!

It's not very often that I admit to liking commercials. I grew up in the military and, as most anyone can tell you, commercials on the Armed Forces Network (AFN) were, well let's just say they were memorable but it's not necessarily a good thing :)

Then there are commercials you remember because you really like them. For me, it's a recent GEICO commercial. I generally hate the phrase "Hump Day", but thanks to GEICO it has certainly grown on me. If you've not seen this commercial, you're (in my opinion) missing out on a chance to smile! Take a look: GEICO "Happier than a camel on hump day"

There have been other commercials in my life that have stuck with me. Those that made me cry, like the Budweiser 9/11 tribute, or heck, any Budweiser commerical with the Clydesdales can make me stop what I'm doing and watch a commercial. There are those that make me laugh or smile like any of the Old Spice Guy commercials, but this one in particular Your man could smell like me, or anything with little kids, but this Darth Vader Volkswagen one is pretty cute. Then, we could really go old school with the Budweiser "Whass Up?" commercials.

Basically, commercials are part of life, and if the marketing/advertising people get it right, we'll be talking about some commercials for the rest of our lives! So, Guess what day it is. Guess what day it is! It's Hump Daaaaay!

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